CYCL-O is one of the foremost importing, trading and distributing companies of  Industrial electronic components. Our line of product  include Integrated circuits, Mosfets, IGBT's, Schottky Ultra Fast, Tantlum, Crystal, Osscilators, Trimpot,  diodes, MOV, Relay, Myler and Many other. We are specialized in Power Semiconductors devices like Power Mosfets and IGBT's (Discrete & Module).

CYCL-O known for

  • Quality and Reliable products.

  • Highly Dependable

  • Service & knowledge.

  • Keeping trust and customer promise.

  • Tune with the global trends.

  • Provide Innovative solutions.

  • To work as a distributor, as a facilitator, as a partner.

We strive to sell you what you want, when you want it and at the price you want to pay.

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